Monday, January 31, 2011

Haiti, Jamaica, florida vacation

Me and Travis enjoyed a wonderful 9 day vacation childless. We went on a cruise where we met some awesome people. Haiti was gorgeous. The people were very pushy to get us to buy stuff. You could see the desperation in their eyes. It was sad. A few times the police had to yell at them to back off.
Jamaica was interesting. We got a private walking tour from some crazy Jamaican guy. It was very poverish and the taxi drivers beg and try to push you into their cabs. We saw some guy peeing right on the side of street not caring that lots of people could see him. The shop people were a lot nicer than in Haiti. We got a lot better deals. Maybe because all the jamaicans were smoking weed they were more chill.
On the boat we saw some funny shows and competitions. I won the Miss Bicep competition and my team won the Qwest game show. It was a lot of fun. We are defiently going on another cruise.
While we were gone Kaida had mastered crawling the correct way. She also started saying "momma". It's so cute.

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