Sunday, July 25, 2010

Kaida is 4 months old!

I can't believe Kaida is already 4 months old. She is starting to get out of her colicky stage and laughing when we play with her. She thinks Ridlee is hilarious. Kaida is now 24 inches long and 11.7 lbs. Tall and skinny little thing.
We have enjoyed watching the Blue Angels for the past 5 days. They flew right over our house. Ridlee did not like the noise or the house vibrating. She did look at one that flew right about us and said "look mom is has sparkles!"
We also went to a condo in Ogden and went swimming everyday with Kyler and Brandy. Ridlee had a blast.

Hanging out with her friend Emery

Daddy and his girls

Blue Angels (I'm standing on my back porch)

Kyler and Ridlee


Nick and Brent said...

Thanks for the note on my blog, I'm happy you found me! Loved catching up on your little family, your girls are adorable. Good luck staying at home, is that permanent or are you going back to work? It was a big transition for me, but now I'm happy and wouldn't have it any other way...most of the time. :)

Anonymous said...

HI guys- Just dropping by to let you know my blog has been moved to